
Do you guys know about the history of Hong Kong? It's related to incense!
Do you guys know about the History of Hong Kong? Why Hong Kong is named as Hong Kong and what is the meaning of this name? I would like...
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第二十三屆 練香、隔火薰香、聞香、香席體驗 課程結束!
一期一會 替暮春香之記 第二十三屆 練香、隔火薰香、聞香、香席體驗 課程結束! 非常感謝同學的參與,希望能讓更多人認識到這種傳統的製香和品香方法! 請留意六月第二十四屆 練香、隔火薰香、聞香、香席體驗課程 時間:六月十五日(禮拜二)及二十二日(禮拜二)...
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