The first English Traditional Incense Appreciation Course is completed in the Han Li in 25NOV2020!
Great thanks to all for joining the course and hope that through this course, we can help you to understand more about traditional incense culture, it benefits and the relationship of incense with Hong Kong!
The Traditional Incense Appreciation Course (3 Lessons)
After joining three lessons of the Traditional Incense Appreciation Course, in addition to knowing the incense history and background, you will also learn how to make incense yourself.
Lesson One: Playful exploration: Make your own incense cone Lesson Two: Peaceful appreciation of incense cloud: preparing of Sealed Incense Lesson Three: The first fragrance of the incense world: tips for herb mixology
In the first lesson, we will introduce the basic incense categories, how are they being made and how to use them. We will also learn how to make incense cone with sandal-cypress powder. *Please bring a small plastic box to carry your incense cones home!
In the second lesson, we will introduce the history of traditional incense culture, learn how to prepare the sealed incense and also how to cultivate concentration by preparing the sealed incense. You can appreciate the incense cloud and share the experience with other participants. All the tools that required for preparing the sealed incense can be take-home.
In the third lesson, we will introduce the relationship between Hong Kong and incense, the safeguard and conservation of Agarwood tree, the culture of binding herbs for incense making, and the characteristics of different herbs that used for incense making. This lesson is aimed to practice how to mix the herbs for making incense in specific ratio and also share the scent with other learners. Learners can take away all the herb powder being used in the class and a small pot for carrying the mixed incense powder.
The course is held upon special booking, you may contact us.
Minimum participants:3 perons

Teaching of Traditional Incense culture
Teaching theme:Included theoretical and practical knowledge
There are more and more workshops in the market of Hong Kong. However, most of them only teaching for the practical knowledge but lack of theoretical knowledge and thus participants may not know about the background knowledge (the history and culture) of art that they are learning. In traditional education organization, most of the course just so theoretical and full of literature but without real hand by hand practical practice. Therefore, it is important to include the theoretical and practical knowledge into a good training course.
The content of the courses of incense culture:
History of Chinese incense culture
Relationship between Hong Kong, incense & agarwood
Skills of conducting incense stamp
Skills of making incense cones, Neriko(練香) and incense in other shape
Skills of preparing the Monko(聞香)
Basic knowledge Kodo (香道) etiquette and the game of Monko
Basic knowledge of binding incense formula
Hong Kong Social Welfare Department, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Kwun Tong), Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organization, Buddhist Youth Association (Hong Kong), ONCE @ Tung Wah Group of Hospitals、The Han Li、The White House (Hong Kong), etc.
We currently only have Chinese courses and we are planning to organize some English courses too, if you are English organization, we are really appreciate to cooperate with you to promote traditional Chinese incense culture to all non-Chinese participants. Please feel free to contact me.