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製香楠木香膠粉 (37.5克)使用楠木樹皮製成,又被稱為製香用的天然黏著劑,於製香時加入有助香粉黏合。

建議混合比例:1/4 楠木香膠粉,3/4 香料




1: 將楠木香膠粉 與 香料按比例混合

2: 加入適量水份,搓香粉直至沒有粉拈在手上

3: 搓成塔香型,晾乾,約5-7天便可以使用。


Makko Incense Binder Powder (37.5g)


~ Act as binder for making incense

~ Suggested Ratio: 1/4 Makko Incense Binder Powder, 3/4 Incense Powder


Make your own incense cone:

- Combine the Makko Incense Binder Powder with your choice of incense powder

- mix with water untili no more powder sticks with your hands

- sit dry for a week


Weight: 37.5g

製香楠木香膠粉 (37.5克) Makko Incense Binder Powder (37.5g)

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